Meet Natalie
Certified Strategic Intervention Coach, NLP Practitioner, Solution-Based and Transformational Life and Relationship Coach
I'm a mover
I'm a big city girl from Germany who lives on my 2 acre lifestyle block in New Zealand. I love summer river swims and hanging out with my boys and my border collies. I'm a yoga convert and the fittest I have been in my life so far.
I've escaped.
I've escaped a corporate career that burnt me out. I've escaped eating disorders, anxiety and depression and years of meandering around not being sure what to do with my life. I'm still escaping self-doubt, procrastination, the desire to please and distraction on a daily basis.
I've won
I've changed careers at least 3 times during my life (depends what you count) and ultimately found the thing I love doing: helping others discover more of themselves. Along the way I earned degrees in law and coaching certifications galore, but what matters most - I love what I do.
I've lost
People and places. Loved ones. Money and - temporarily - happiness. I've also lost fear and increasingly inhibition. I've lost patience regularly and my cool often enough as well. I've lost my heart and - at times - sanity and reason.
I'm a believer
I believe in purpose and planet. I believe we collectively have big environmental and social problems to solve and I believe we can do this by creating fulfillment and happiness that has nothing to do with material stuff: through purpose, belonging, partnership and reconnection. I believe in building new systems that make the old ones obsolete. I believe in questioning everything, taking nothing for granted and taking full responsibility for our lives and our happiness.

Certifications and credentials
Accredited Mediator and professional member - Resolution Institute NZ
Certified Strategic Intervention Life Coach - Robbins-Madanes Training
Life coach training institute co-founded by world famous life coach Anthony Robbins. Read more about Strategic Intervention here.
Tony Robbins "Unleash the Power Within", Tony Robbins "Date with Destiny", Tony Robbins Leadership Academy, Tony Robbins "Business Mastery"
Certified Counseling practitioner
Certified NLP practitioner
Certified ULab Facilitator
Level 2 Reiki practitioner
Judge's qualification (High court of Hamburg, Germany)
LL.B (University of Hamburg)
Courses I'm currently taking:
NLP Master level
Certified Business Coach
Tony Robbins Leadership Mastery